In my line of work, I’ve always adhered to the adage, “Don’t negotiate against yourself.” That is to say, when you give an offer…wait until it is either accepted or countered before you start sweetening the pot. It sounds easy enough, but you would be surprised how quickly we are to give up too much, in hopes of getting a deal done quickly instead of properly. Now, sometimes doing it quickly is the proper road to travel; but all things being equal…NEVER negotiate against yourself.

As we get into the swing of the new year and start implementing my work, gym, and family plan, something has become increasingly apparent to me and a new adage is coming to light and I’m working to keep top of mind…DON’T NEGOTIATE WITH MYSELF. I don’t know if it’s age, impatience, or just the stresses of life, but around this time last month, I found myself constantly negotiating with myself—and not in a good way. If I had to wake up early to get work done, I’d convince myself that it was okay to sleep in instead. If I was at boot camp and the instructor said, “run all out,” I listened to that voice in my head that said, “it’s okay to gear it down a bit,” not giving it my all. It got to the point that I tried getting my kids to miss hockey practice because it was cold outside or using a Jedi mind trick to convince them that “they” were tired so “I” didn’t have to go. Really, that voice in my head that wanted to do nothing except chill was slowly creeping in. The worst part…nothing good ever comes out of me negotiating with myself. Maybe I didn’t go full slob mode, but honestly, it took everything I had to be even remotely productive as we closed out the year.

For those who do not know, I share a very similar quality to none other than San Diego’s favorite Anchorman, Ron Burgundy. For some background, in the movie, the news producer warns everyone to be careful because Ron will read whatever is on the teleprompter. In a roundabout way… that was me! If the coach said, “run” …I run, If he says lift this…I lift it. The wife says come here…I come running. Obviously, I got my boundaries, but I always prided myself on an insane work ethic and if shit needed to get done, I got it done before most finished wondering why. For example (and my buddy Ron can attest to this) I had a self-imposed rule. If I wake up in the middle of the night, let’s say 3 AM, instead of trying to go back to bed, I get up, shower, go to the office and start working. If I’m up, might as well be productive.

Luckily for me, I’m noticing it early enough, but I am negotiating with myself way too much. The body naturally likes to take the path of least resistance. One of its main jobs is to protect you against harm and being in an uncomfortable state. The mind, on the other hand, thrives on being disciplined, routine, and constant engagement. So…now that I am mindful of it, what am I going to do? Well, there is only one thing I can do: DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH MYSELF. Kick that little voice to the side that is telling me to take it easy, turn up the Ron Burgundy, and just read what is on the teleprompter.

The goal for 2025, in many ways, is to turn back the clock and operate at that high level, kind of like LeBron, without the douchebag part (FYI, JORDAN WILL ALWAYS BE THE GOAT). No “ifs,” “ands,” or “buts,” just get shit done. This year, there is only one solution to that nagging voice in your head…you guessed it, STOP NEGOTIATING WITH YOURSELF. Activity breeds action and action breeds results.

So, if you’re like me and that voice inside your head (let’s say that voice’s name is San Diego) is telling you to kick back, take it easy, and do nothing… then, in the vein of the great Ron Burgundy, I got only one thing to say …“GO F$CK yourself San Diego!”

Here’s to an awesome 2025!

Robin Nasserdeen

Robin Nasserdeen is a distinguished real estate developer based in Edmonton, Alberta. Renowned for his expertise in both residential and commercial property development, Robin has achieved significant milestones in the industry, including being recognized as builder of the year. His current focus is on developing and investing in commercial properties, contributing to the dynamic landscape of Edmonton’s real estate market.




Exciting Developments for 2025 at One Horizon Living